Let’s talk about Sleep!

Published On January 9, 2023

Let’s talk about sleep – one of the most important Pillars of Wellness (not just mine, but touted by physicians and wellness centers everywhere).
After a day of stimulating activity, your body is ready for and needs deep restful sleep. It is best to aim for six to eight hours of sleep nightly. I feel the best with at least 7 hours of sleep, but over 8, I feel sluggish. Restful sleep is best when you do not have any sleep aids on board. Hours of sleep before midnight are generally the most rejuvenating. So, if you are sleeping 8 hours between 10 PM and 6 AM, you will feel more rested than sleeping 8 hours between midnight and 8 AM.

To promote restful sleep try the following routine.

Evening Routine
 Eat a relatively light dinner. This should be no later than 7PM so you do not go to bed on a full stomach. In Ayurveda, the largest meal of the day is the lunch time meal when our digestion is working to the fullest.
 Take a leisurely stroll after dinner, 5-10 minutes
 To the extent possible, minimize exciting, aggravating or mentally intensive activities after 8:30 PM. This includes TV and work activity if what you are watching or doing makes to feel stimulated, irritated, or tense. I do watch TV after 8:30 but usually something light-hearted and definitely never violence, news, etc

 Aim to be in bed with the lights out between 9:30 and 10:30 PM. If you are not used to getting to bed this early, move your bedtime up by ½ hour every week, until you have moved up your bedtime to at least 10:30 and earlier.
 About an hour before bedtime, you can run a hot bath with calming aromatherapy essential oils such as lavender, sandalwood, or vanilla. You can perform a self-massage using sesame or almond oil or dosha specific oils with essential scents to help nourish not only your skin but for calming the mind as well. (I create and sell oils specific for balancing your dosha which are designed to calm and soothe). Burn a candle and listen to calming music if you choose. After your bath, drink something warm, like hot tea such as chamomile or valerian root tea
 If mind is still active take this opportunity to write in your journal downloading some of your thoughts and concerns.
 Read inspirational or spiritual literature for a few minutes. Avoid dramatic novels or distressing reading material. Phone down!!
 Do not watch TV or use phone, or work in bed.
 Once in bed, close your eyes and do a simple body scan releasing any tension you may feel in any area of your body
 Then simply watch your slow easy breathing until you fall asleep

Contingency Plan
 If you still have trouble falling asleep, try putting something warm on your belly in the area of your solar plexus. Try a warm water bottle or heated rice pack to soothe your body and calm your mind.
 Try repeating the sleeping mantra: Om Agasthi Shahina (Om Ah-gah’-stee Shah-ee’-nah)

Good night and sleep well my friends!