Published On January 6, 2023

Hi, how is everyone doing? Have you written your goals for wellness? And speaking of goals, when you are writing them make sure they are “Smart”. Follow these principles of goal setting. They goals should be Specific (what do I want to accomplish?), Measurable (how will I know when goal is accomplished), Achievable (make sure you can achieve your goal, not something that is something too far/hard/unattainable for you to reach), Relevant (does this help me achieve the wellness/fitness/etc I am looking to have), and Time Bound (when will I accomplish this goal by).
This community is to celebrate each other on our good days, cheer one another on even on our so-so days, and to totally understand and empathize with you on the days that you decide jammies, comfort food, and a good book is what you need!
Post your goals here, take them out of your head into this space to help and inspire the rest of us. Have you been thinking of posting your goals and/or daily journal entry, but just not sure if you want to?
I and this community of beautiful souls would love to hear from you! Look me up on Facebook and ask to join the Flourish Integrate Thrive group!
Love and Namaste